Welcome to Maple Grove!

We are an established church that was started in 1957 with the goal of serving our community in the name of Jesus. We are also a growing intergenerational church that is on the road to revitalization.  We are passionate about three things:

The Gospel

The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ for every person. And, in what is likely the loneliest, most hopeless, and divisive time in history,  we believe it is more powerful, relevant, and needed than ever before. We want the gospel to be the center and driving force of everything we do. By the Gospel, we strive to: 

  • Give Truth For What’s Broken
  • Lavish Grace For What’s Wrong
  • Pour Out Hope For What’s Missing 
Loving Our Community

We love our community! And we believe that God has divinely placed us here for it. Because we love our community and are here for it, we want to: 

  • Walk Into the Mess
  • Do Unignorable Good
  • Eradicate Hopelessness
Growing Young

Growing old is normal and natural. It happens to everyone and everything. And, that is a good thing. Longevity and the blessings and wisdom that can come with age should be celebrated! But, we believe no one is meant to grow old alone-especially churches. Unhealthy churches grow old alone. Healthy churches grow young while they are growing old. That's why we strive to be an intergenerational church that loves every age group from birth-senior adulthood. And, that's why we want to 

  • Recognize- Our most valuable resources are children, young adults, and their families. 
  • Sacrifice-For What Matters Most.  
  • Give Keys- We want to train and give away keys to new generations. Then cheer them on.